It Ain't Easy Being Pretty...And It Ain't Pretty Being Easy
One night, a gray haired man adorned in a silk neck kerchief - sat aside MissWit. His cigarette needed ashin' and his drink needed a sippin'! He loved to say the word girl like guuuuuurrrrrrrllllll.
"Dahling" he said, " I have just seen the most fabulous bathroom graffiti of all time - in the bathroom downstairs." And with his half southern half feminine drawl, he leaned real close and said " It ain't easy being pretty, and it ain't pretty being easy."
It has stuck as the greatest memory, the academy award of bathroom poetry, acted to perfection and stellar form by Mr. Man at the piano bar of love.
Boys...wakey wakey man! What is wrong with the "men" today...they want to play, play, play - instead of work, work, work for the affection of a woman. Blame it on internet dating, blame it on Rio...but sweethearts -- get with the program, the lovin' of a woman will set ya straight...stop making her feel easy!
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